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2017 Live Out Loud Concert Event
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Help individuals with epilepsy, brain injuries and developmental disabilities Live Out Loud! Too often disabilities such as epilepsy and brain injuries are hidden. Fear prevents these individuals from fully participating in life – fear of public seizures, of memory loss, and of falling. But with the right mix of community-based supports, individuals with disabilities can be a vibrant, contributing part of their community. EPI specializes in providing tailored support solutions for all individuals with developmental or acquired brain conditions so that they may Live Out Loud!

Epilepsy-Pralid, Inc. is excited to announce the Live Out Loud center event. This event, brings performances from Jimmie Highsmith, Jr. and Danielle Ponder & The Tomorrow People. Tickets are $30 and include musical entertainment, cash bar, 50/50 raffle, and a penny social filled with items from local and regional businesses. VIP tickets are $75 and include balcony seating, vodka and gin tastings, appetizers, and even cupcakes! Food will also be available to order from Butapub.